Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I am a hepatologist working at The University of Padua, in Northern Italy (near Milan). I'm conducting the research on liver elastography- assessing diffuse liver disease using elastography for almost 20 years. 

We started first with the FibroScan®-  a dedicated device that assesses the stiffness of the liver while using an ultrasound equipment were available. I started doing research in this case; we use the limb biopsy as the reference standard to assess the accuracy of the method.  We found that elastography was a very accurate method for detecting and staging liver fibrosis.  Currently elastography is used as a reliable substitute for liver biopsy in several clinicals, scenarios and guidelines. 

The World Federation (Forza Medicine and Biology) of Societies for ultrasound medicine and Biology have given all the information we needed about how to perform elastography, and how it can be used not only for staging liver fibrosis, but also for evaluating the outcome of patients affected with diffuse liver disease. Just a few months ago, we completed the guidelines and updated to the guidelines for assessing the liver fibrosis with Shearwave elastography with the guidelines of the World Federation of for ultrasound in medicine and biology. Several studies have been published on hundred of studies using Shearwave for diffuse liver disease.  

Cytosis is assessed with another method that is not elastography. There are other algorithms, however, patients with cytosis are the majority of patients with diffuse liver disease.  We want to assess both the stiffness that is directly related to liver fibrosis and quantifying the amount of fat in the liver.

There are specific algorithms for the quantification of liver fat content, and the majority are based on calculating the attenuation coefficient of the ultrasound beam as it traverses the liver tissue. Stiffness is a different property of the liver tissue.  Stiffness assess biomechanical properties of a tissue that is unrelated to the acoustic properties of a tissue. 

So the art ultrasound, we may find B mode image that is pretty good, but, uh, the liver may be stiffer than normal, and this is due mostly to liver fibrosis. Even though there are, uh, confounding factors, we are assessing stiffness, stiffness may increase not only for liver fibrosis, but also for the inflammation, for infiltrative disease, for, uh, congestive art disease, and, uh, for, uh, cancer, for, uh, focal liver lesions. Elastography, uh, doesn't have a, um, uh, principle role, uh, mostly used for diffuse liver disease for focal level lesions.

Speaker 1 (05:03):

And to, um, characterize them, uh, we use the contrast, the contrast ultrasound that is, uh, completely different. Uh, at the beginning there were, uh, some studies performed assessing the stiffness of a focal lesions, uh, however they say large overlap between, uh, bine and, and malignant liver lesion. And for that reason, elastography has not a, a, a key role in, uh, assessing, uh, focal lesions. Instead for, uh, diffuse liver disease, uh, elastography is a substitute of biopsy, absolutely, yes. But it's already, uh, used for breast. And in, uh, 2015, the world of federation for, uh, art, ultrasound, medicine, and biology. I mean, 10 years ago, uh, issued guidelines for the use of elastography in, uh, breast disease for, uh, assessing, uh, the lesion, uh, in the breast. And now, um, I believe that this year, uh, the update to the guidelines for the breast graphy will be available.

Speaker 1 (06:27):

So, uh, besides, um, the liver, the breast is the organ that is most studied with using elastography. It's used, it's not as easy to perform as we do for, uh, the liver because, uh, it needs, uh, expertise. And again, if you want more detailed information, uh, there, say a, a worldwide expert in, uh, breast elastography living in the states and working in the states in Ohio. That is, uh, Dr. Richard Barr. And you may, uh, reach him if you want to have more details on the use of breast tractography. Uh, we have an, uh, ultrasound school in, uh, <inaudible> that is, uh, endorsed by the Italian Society for Art, ultrasound Medicine in biology. And, uh, we have a colleagues that, uh, attend the school, uh, for practice. And, uh, uh, they are medical doctors in Italy. We do not have, uh, sonographers as in other countries in, uh, Europe.

Speaker 1 (07:44):

So they attend the school to learn now to perform elastography. And generally we have, uh, between 30 and 50, uh, colleagues, uh, each year. They, uh, follow the activity of the ultrasound, uh, uh, unit for, uh, several months. And they get a diploma, uh, by the, uh, endorse by the, uh, Italian society, uh, for razza in medicine and biology. Then we also, uh, have an <inaudible> school. Theum is the European Federation for Razza in Medicine and Biology, and this is a more advanced school for, uh, leader <inaudible>. And to learn how to, uh, perform and to practice in the, our, uh, department and for photo quantification. And we accept, uh, colleagues from, uh, all over the world. We are the colleagues from, uh, Brazil, Argentina, and, uh, other countries in, uh, Europe. They, uh, attend, um, short course, um, generally three days course to learn how to perform as ultrasound, uh, in ay.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


For Immediate Release:


AUSTIN, TX – April 23, 2024 – UltraCon2024, the ultrasound medicine industry conference hosted by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) in Austin, TX, earlier this month, brought together the who's who in ultrasound medicine technology for a 3‐day event. More than a conference, UltraCon is billed as a "pivotal forum for debate, discovery, and dialogue,” and this year’s event certainly delivered. 

A defining characteristic of UltraCon is the convening of the brightest minds from around the globe who are actively shaping the future of ultrasound medicine. Speakers covered a wide array of topics, from feature‐based reports like the latest uses of 3D Doppler and Elastography, to “tips and tricks” to the complexity of organ‐based scan reviews. 

One such luminary is New York City-based cancer radiologist and internationally published ultrasound researcher Dr. Robert Bard. Elected in 2022 to a 6‐year term on the AIUM Therapeutic Ultrasound Community and became an AIUM fellow in 2022, Dr. Bard was honored to join many of the imaging community's top brands, innovators, and key clinical pioneers in Austin. 

Throughout the week in Austin, Dr. Bard delivered several in‐depth educational presentations on a number of topics, such as "Prostate Elastography," "Microvascular Image Guided Treatment of Arthritis," and an exploratory review of Ultrasound Validation of Pulsed Electromagnetic therapies. 

"It was such a great honor to finally attend one of the largest annual congregations of the finest leaders in imaging science,” said Dr. Bard. “It was invigorating to experience many of their educational presentations in reflection of the continued growth of the ultrasound imaging industry.” 

Dr. Bard also presented his latest research and expanded findings on the power of ultrasound technology on the diagnostics of chronic diseases and musculoskeletal disorders, and as a procedural supporter of image-guided treatments.

"Seeing Dr. Bard deliver his life's work on stage was witnessing legacy in action," says Dr. Lennard Goetze, Executive Director of the Angio Institute. "As a pioneer in the forefront of innovation, he cemented his place in history as one of the influencers of ultrasound advancement and a driver of the next generation."

Click to visit our 2024 UltraCon photo showcase

The AIUM is a multidisciplinary organization established in 1952 designed to advance the art and science of ultrasound in medicine research through educational, scientific, literary, and professional activities. According to Therese Cooper, Director of Accreditation at the AIUM, over 100 master class programs were presented by leading speakers, offering some of the most insightful and expansive reports direct from the field. 

"UltraCon surpassed our expectations in fostering a dynamic exchange of knowledge and ideas within the ultrasound community," said Dr. Richard Hoppmann, President of the AIUM. "The success of this year's conference was due to the caliber of speakers, exhibitors, and attendees, and underscores the vibrant spirit of innovation that drives our field. We are immensely proud of the collaborative advancements discussed and the groundbreaking technologies unveiled here, all of which promise to enhance patient care and shape the future of medical ultrasound."

Over 875 professionals attended to share and exchange information about the latest advancements in noninvasive imaging and the continuance of sonographic science advancement. Another dimension to the programming of Ultracon includes non‐CME sessions, such as a professional video lesson by Dr. Roberta Kline. Dr. Kline’s digital lecture was on the Benefits of Gene Expression in Assessing the Efficacy of Bioenergetic Interventions. 

“This non‐imaging oriented topic was such a great complement to the entire program… it held the scientific spirit of integrative collaboration – the very spirit that supports clinical imaging in the diagnostic community,” stated UltraCon attendee Dr. Leslie Valle-Montoya.

Walking through the exhibitors’ hall, attendees directly connected with some of the top brands at the forefront of ultrasound innovations including SIEMENS, GE, MINDRAY, CANON, SAMSUNG, and FUJI to name a few. Each booth showcased their latest models and was primed and ready to introduce their unique approach to advancing the ultrasound movement. 

Dr. Bard continued, “This event was so impressively organized and I was very inspired to connect, network, and collaborate with the other attendees. The AIUM designed an event that truly empowered the expansion of the clinical community and the future of the ultrasound technology... the AIUM did it right!"

About the AIUM: The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine is a multidisciplinary medical association of more than 9,000 physicians, sonographers, scientists, students, and other healthcare professionals. Established in the early 1950s, the AIUM is dedicated to empowering and cultivating a global multidisciplinary community engaged in the use of medical ultrasound through raising awareness, education, sharing information, and research.

-This year's UltraCon was extra special because it literally happened during a solar eclipse.  The convergence of celestial bodies was a perfect metaphor for the convergence of multiple disciplines across medicine and ultrasound. From radiology and sonography to family medicine, pediatrics and internal medicine, there was so much representation from the primary care specialties within the POCUS community blending with the sonography and radiology communities. Ultracon is unique in that it creates a platform to generate new ideas across specialties and the continuum of care. Together, we get to explore how ultrasound as a technology can interface with the healthcare workflow to improve patient care. The multidisciplinary exchange alongside experts showcasing the advancements in ultrasound such as including artificial intelligence, ultra-portability, and software integration helps fast-track the pathways needed to integrate POCUS into clinical practice.  As a POCUS educator & family physician, UltraCon is the ideal ecosystem for idea exchange and innovation because it links educators, academic researchers, and tech innovators to break free from traditional silos and meaningfully align.  


UltraCon provided me the opportunity to converse with individuals at every stage of their career. I networked with individuals whom were just entering the ultrasound realm to renowned radiologists. This was very beneficial as an exhibitor, Probo Medical was able to showcase Probo 360; impeccable service, parts, new and refurbished system sales, and probe sales/repair. UltraCon allowed me to gain an understanding of what customers around the world need and providing solutions to each unique situation.  One case in particular warmed my heart, I had the honor to meet a Physician from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital who was searching for a rare pediatric neuro probe to send to a community clinic in Ethiopia. She had plans to meet with the physician from Ethiopia the weekend after the show, time was of the essence. Probo Medical successfully found this probe and it is currently being used to diagnose children across the world.  UltraCon is definitely an event I will attend again, for the connections and stories alone this event is a must. I hope to see everyone in Florida next year! - 
​Keith Gallagher / 
Senior Territory Manager , Probo Medical

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


HealthTech Reporter is proud to present our next CAT'S PAJAMAS AWARD WINNER (yes, it's a real award) to Mr. Barrie Kolstein.  The Kolstein family is a highly recognized name in contemporary classical music for their craftsmanship in Violins, Cellos and Bases. Complimentary to his work for Samuel Kolstein & Son, Ltd. and Kolstein Music, Inc. Barrie also became a notable editor and contributor within the world of classical music, publishing numerous technical articles on restoration and appraisals in the International Society of Bassists with a feature article published in The Strad, February 1991. Barrie was also published regularly in the Double Bassist magazine and the Strad magazine, both of London, England, from 1996. These articles have ranged form interviews with makers and performers, technical articles on repair/making, and expert appraisal articles on historic master makers. Barrie also serves as editor of the “Luthier Corner” in the International Society of Bassists magazine restoration and repair forum.

Our editors have had the distinct pleasure of conducting an exclusive interview with Mr. Kolstein about his journey to battle Prostate cancer, his experience-based advocacy about "Getting Checked NOW!" and his earlier experiences with cancer- undergoing his late wife's battle.


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