On average, the prostate is about the size of a walnut. It grows to roughly the size of a Ping-Pong ball, weighing 30 to 35 grams. Within a major portion of adult males, the prostate continues to grow even further up to the size of a tennis ball or larger. The normal prostate gland has measures 3 × 3 × 5 cm approximately or a volume of 25 ml. [1,2] According to statistical reports by Yale Medicine about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60 have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate, and that number jumps to 70% among men aged 60 to 69 and around 80% of men over 70 years of age [3].
Complications of BPH includes acute urinary retention, chronic, or long lasting urinary retention, blood in the urine, urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder & kidney damage or bladder stones.[4] The most common solution (thus far) to address this condition is medicinally with Alpha blockers. This is recognized as the recommended first-line treatment for men with mild to moderate symptoms. It is noted that alpha blockers carry a variety of side effects including dizziness and low blood pressure.[5] There are also invasive solutions to enlarged prostate including laser therapy, microwave heat, or prostate tissue compression. Partial prostate removal and full removal are more invasive but may be necessary for extremely large prostate glands.
As the medical community is (now) pursuing non-invasive alternatives for the many health conditions, addressing hyperplasia continues to be a significant interest in the medical community. Bard Diagnostics and Wellness Now, under a joint study under the AngioFoundation(501c3) is conducting a preflight study of the effects of Pulsed Bioenergy Therapeutic innovations. This Image-Guided program employs the use of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency) technology, or neuromagnetic stimulation to address symptoms of enlarged prostate.
Since March of 2022, Dr. Robert Bard initiated a multi-pathology study of PEMF treatments. This specific study is a clinical evaluation of the PEMF treatments of four (4) volunteers @ the Bard Diagnostic facility at 121 E. 60th St. NYC. In pursuit of the many reports of Electromagnetic Stimulation providing significant success in inflammation reduction, applying the effects of the cellular regenerative properties of neuromagnetic field directly on a pre-confirmed enlarged prostate gland dictates the same logical path of size reduction in an enlarged prostate.
Supervised exposure was provided by Dr. Bard and his research team through the use of real-time 3D Doppler Ultrasound and other non-invasive imaging devices. The initial (Image Guided) treatment was conducted @ the NYC clinic where Dr. Bard established base line studies and regular (bi-weekly) PEMF treatments and ultrasound scans under periodical comparative imaging. In addition, each volunteer took home a personal PEMF device for use twice a day at a given power setting and dosage duration. This preflight study was a one month (30 days) micro-review of the PEMF’s function and a logging of the volunteer’s exposure response via imaging. Dr. Bard recorded progress within the time allotted- collected quantifiable data about the state of the volunteer’s prostate size and health. Progress verified by a reduction in size, blood velocity (flow) within the immediate prostate area as well as the elasticity or firmness of the prostate tissue. This information was collected by the diagnostic imaging technologies selected for this study at Dr. Bard’s scanning devices.
(1) verage size prostate: https://utswmed.org/medblog/what-we-know-about-your-prostate/#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20the%20prostate%20is%20about%20the%20size%20of%20a%20walnut.&text=It%20grows%20to%20roughly%20the,weighing%2030%20to%2035%20grams.&text=In%20many%20men%2C%20it%20continues,a%20tennis%20ball%20or%20larger. (2) Ultrasound of the prostate – PMC : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842183/ (3) Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/enlarged-prostate-benign-prostatic-hyperplasia-bph (4) Prostate Enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia): https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/urologic-diseases/prostate-problems/prostate-enlargement-benign-prostatic-hyperplasia (5) Alpha Blockers for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2213889/ (6) Prostate resection - minimally invasive - https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007415.htm (7) "Enlarged Prostate" - PennMedicine.org https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/enlarged-prostate# (8) "Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy on Prostate Volume and Vascularity in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Pilot Study in a Canine Model" | National Institutes of Health.- PMID: 24913937- Raffaella Leoci,* Giulio Aiudi, Fabio Silvestre, et al. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4145661/ (9) "Therapeutic use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy reduces prostate volume and lower urinary tract symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia"- PMID: 32090492 | Marta Tenuta, Maria G Tarsitano, Paola Mazzotta et al. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32090492/ (10) "Ultrasound & The Prostate": RadiologyInfo.org | https://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info/us- prostate#:~:text=Ultrasound%20of%20the%20prostate%20uses,whether%20the%20gland%20is%20enlarged. (11) "Prostate cancer ultrasound treatment as effective as surgery or radiotherapy", by Kate Wighton (04 July 2018). Imperial College London. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/187086/prostate-cancer-ultrasound-treatment-effective-surgery/ (12) "Mechanisms and therapeutic effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in oncology"- 2016 Nov 5, | PMID: 27748048 | Maria VadalĂ , Julio Cesar Morales‐Medina, Et. Al. - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5119968/
Excerpt from "COUSIN SAL'S PROSTATE HEALTH MISSION"- (source: www.cousinsal.org)
INTRODUCTION: By "Cousin" Sal Banchitta
I've had an incredible 30+ year career in the NY Fire Department, what so many of considered to be the best job in the world. There is no other profession that even comes close to the rewards of being a city firefighter. We were the first and last line of defense to protect this great city from any catastrophe and aligned with a special family of the most unique and remarkable men and women is truly the ultimate blessing.
So when it comes to OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES, EXPOSURES AND CANCERS, I co-captained the 'GET CHECKED NOW!" Project with NYCRA because staying proactive is a must-do! This includes staying on top of some of the major concerns in retirement like PROSTATE HEALTH. When I heard about this PEMF study, I was the first to join as a test case. I proudly announce this (instead of conceal my identity as with most research projects). I wanted the world to know that exploring alternative therapies greatly shaped the world of health and longevity and that non-invasive monitoring is a big part of what Dr. Bard calls "IMAGE GUIDED TREATMENTS". Whomever sees my articles about this tech review and all others that I am involved in, I hope to project the message of maintaining current awareness about what's available out there- as part of staying on top of your health!
NYCRA's own "COUSIN SAL" BANCHITTA, Retired FDNY FF and Cancer Prevention Advocate for the F.A.C.E.S. (Firefighters Against Cancers and Exposures) "Get Checked NOW!" program often partners with Dr. Robert Bard's clinical research team to explore the latest in diagnostic and therapeutic health innovations.
In August of 2023, Sal joined a group of four men over 50 on an exploratory and clinically monitored study applying PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency) to address BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) or enlarged prostate gland. According to Yale Medicine, "about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60 have BPH, and that number jumps to 70% among men aged 60 to 69 and around 80% of men over 70 years of age".[1]
Use of ultrasound imaging has been Dr. Bard's "scanner of choice" when it comes to analyzing and diagnosing a wide array of complex health disorders, from cancer tumors to inflammatory disorders. As a beta tester for developers of ultrasound feature upgrades, Dr. Bard has published an expanded set of findings in support of PEMF regenerative benefits. His latest pilot study provided quantitative evidence about PEMF-induced micro-tissue and vascular reactions, thanks to his creative use of echocardiography. "Over the years, I have gained significant confidence in Pulsed Bioenergy therapeutic innovations", states Dr. Bard. "...through strategic imaging, we can visibly and quantifiably identify the smallest veins dilating and the contractility of the tissue being energized- appearing as pulse vibrations in the form of the undulating surface line of the muscle. This is how we can illustrate the path of ENERGY MEDICINE in real-time action".
Unlike the other participants of the study, Sal was scheduled to go on a coastal road trip for business immediately after his PEMF consult. The clinical panel found this to be an ideal situation to conduct the test from the drivers seat. "Adult Americans spend a major portion of their lives behind the wheel... proving how to integrate PEMF treatments while driving could be a great way to optimize use of one's travel time", stated Patrick Ziemer.

"I have always been a proponent of early detection- especially when it comes to prostate cancer. Four years ago, my annual retirement exam started with a blood test. My primary found my PSA was slightly elevated, so I was then sent to the urologist as standard operating procedure. Before you know it, I received a report of a "slightly" enlarged prostate which put me into what felt like an automated track to getting a biopsy. Getting a biopsy without an MRI or any type of imaging made the needle work a complete and painful shot in the dark. Getting poked 12+ times in what felt like complete guesswork was terrible experience. In the end, we found that the biopsy could have been avoided if the PSA reading gave more information, and a more accurate assessment. As a member of a family predisposed to cancer, the stress of waiting for the biopsy, then actually undergoing the procedure thinking I MAY have have cancer or not was completely an unfair ordeal to put anyone through. Meanwhile, this is what launched my journey to support prostate health- including why I am now driving with a PEMF coil on my drivers seat!"
The news feature proudly gives thanks to the AOPP (Association of PEMF Professionals) and Patrick Ziemer of Magnawave Inc. and Aura Wellness PEMF for the technical information provided for interviews and unending support to support our clinical study and educational programs about PEMF technology for chronic disorders and supportive testimonials in alternative therapeutics.
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